Book Chapters (2008-present)

Book Chapters (2008-present)

The most up to date and complete list of publications is available at Google Scholar or aResearch Gate

  1. A. Chernatynskiy, A. El-Azab, J. S. Tulenko and S. R. Phillpot, Phenomena in Thermal Transport in Fuels, in State-of-the-Art Report on Multi-scale Modelling of Fuels, Nuclear Energy Agency, NEA/NSC/R/2015(5) (OECD, Paris, 2015), Chapter 7, p145-174.
  2. C. Valot, M. Bertolus, L. Malerba, J. Rashid, T. Besmann, R. Masson, S.  Phillpot and M. Stan, Multiscale Modelling and Simulation of Nuclear Fuels, in in State-of-the-Art Report on Multi-scale Modelling of Fuels, Nuclear Energy Agency, NEA/NSC/R/2015(5) (OECD, Paris, 2015), Chapter 25, p363-382.
  3. Y.-T. Cheng, T. Liang, S.R. Phillpot, and S. B. Sinnott, Charge transfer potentials, in Computational Catalysis, Ed. by A. Asthagiri and M. Janik, p.244-260, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge UK, (2014). ISBN 978-1-84973-451-6. DOI:10.1039/9781849734905-00244
  4. A. Chernatynskiy, D. R. Clarke and S. R. Phillpot, Thermal Transport in Nanostructured Materials, Handbook of Nanoscience, Engineering and Technology, 3rd Edition, W. A Goddard III, D. W. Brenner, S. E. Lyshevski and G. J. Iafrate, editors; CRC Press. Pp. 545 -572 (May 29 2012).

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